This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#1 with exception of one brief interlude,
doc#8 a subcommittee for one week. But
doc#9 , permitting older ones to attend the
doc#9 were passed. One , by Sen.
doc#9 a penalty of one to five years
doc#9 . It was one of a series
doc#18 be taken from one candidate and given
doc#19 , similar to one the President sponsored
doc#21 , will prove one of the alliance
doc#22 in Cuba. </p><p> One Republican senator told
doc#22 provocation at any one time for the
doc#22 relinquish them. </p><p> One factor was the
doc#24 CD job. One of these men
doc#24 <p> He would assign one of the rescue
doc#24 not more than one person in a
doc#24 Track grounds is one assembly point,
doc#24 developed locally. </p><p> One of the first
doc#33 talk out of one side of our
doc#33 was sympathetic to one or the other
doc#40 United Nations. </p><p> One effect of the