This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#34 suffrage amendment. She served one four
doc#63 in reserve. She was moving up
doc#64 in 2.21.6. She snapped five tenths
doc#75 said, when she learned Jackie was
doc#86 a list which she said contained about
doc#95 , pleaded that she was sorely needed
doc#95 future depends upon her ", an
doc#98 Joseph Carpentier. She had been sentenced
doc#98 years, making her eligible for parole
doc#103 in front of her . There were
doc#109 Merle Marsicano. She , too,
doc#109 ", but she does not think
doc#109 At one time she felt impelled to
doc#109 . He lifts her , puts her
doc#109 her, puts her down, and
doc#112 dark. As she goes, she
doc#112 she goes, she herself will be
doc#112 of the play she has partial illumination
doc#112 at the end she has complete illumination
doc#113 , the abortions she has had and