This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#37 provides for forty-year mortgages at low down -payments for moderate-income families.
doc#103 depression with rain water in it. He bent down , a black cranelike figure, and put his
doc#122 redistributed to the reaction tubes, frozen down , and each tube was then sealed off. The
doc#137 him, and Wilson turned. The fire had gone down , and the man was only a shadow against
doc#109 not at each other. He lifts her, puts her down , and walks off, neither pleased nor disturbed
doc#21 to carry out obligations long since laid down , but never completely fulfilled. WASHINGTON
doc#144 made Jess double over. When his head came down , Curt grabbed him by the hair and catapulted
doc#133 feet. The boy came on to the porch and sat down , his gaze on Morgan as if half expecting
doc#137 at Wilson's chest. </p><p> "Put the rifle down , Joseph", the girl said. She seemed irritated
doc#108 Snopes families. Even two decades ago in Go Down , Moses Faulkner was looking to the more
doc#109 another, the victim may do a pirouette, sit down , or offer his assailant a fork and spoon
doc#137 chance. She was quick. She brought the quirt down , slashing it across his cheek, and he tried
doc#111 through the air, although gravity pulls us down ; the range of our voice ignores distance
doc#67 feel. Practice helps you to get your timing down . </p><p> "It's kind of like golf -- if you
doc#100 to send in troops and shoot the bastards down . </p><p> Accounts have been published of
doc#137 telling you. That fire's too big. Let it burn down . And make sure it's out when you leave
doc#146 Russ sprang to the nearest steps and ran down . As luck had it, he had not gone twenty
doc#135 struck him heavily in the thigh and he went down . </p><p> Guerrillas were racing toward him
doc#147 He had no idea which was up and which was down . He held the controls where they had been
doc#134 garden", Gavin said. "They'll trample it down . I loved my garden". </p><p> "It will grow