This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#7 priority" to teacher pay raises. COLQUITT -- After a long, hot controversy, Miller County
doc#143 a sportin' way o' killin' a man"! </p><p> After the first two murders, the warning notes
doc#102 compare notes and agree to "go". </p><p> After that, it requires several minutes of concentrated
doc#145 the gab when wearing the nosebag". </p><p> After their supper, the evening turned into a
doc#122 air before opening under sodium iodide). After titration of the liberated <formul> with
doc#125 tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (Tris). After dialysis the sample was centrifuged and
doc#126 weather, in the plant and the animal. </p><p> After the male and female andrenas have mated
doc#72 Lefty Don Rudolph to open the Bear's attack. After Al Paschal gruonded out, Jay Cooke walked
doc#119 material to be tested between the blocks. After it has reached terminal velocity, the time
doc#139 ". </p><p> Barton cursed under his breath. After another long pause he asked, "How many
doc#35 the Hunter College Campus in the Bronx. After his speech, reporters asked him about the
doc#126 rusty red. The males are much duller. </p><p> After having mated, an Andrena female digs a
doc#141 stomach, the better to pursue his examination. After a time, he straightened again, brushing
doc#114 generation are creating a new literary genre. After only eighteen years of non-interference
doc#140 mother, she did not comment upon it. </p><p> After they had finished eating, Melissa took
doc#143 Iron Mountain settler named William Lewis. After walking out to his corral that morning,
doc#126 makes a tough, papery cocoon and pupates. After another two weeks, the first young emerge
doc#115 more dramatically coherent than the second. After the collapse of that desperate and ill-
doc#126 of the life cycle of many other species. After all, social life in the group of the bees
doc#110 rights the Constitution gave the states. After the war began, he long refused to permit