This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 lucky we got here. Could you give us a job, Mr. ..." </p><p> "Morgan. Dan Morgan". </p><p>
doc#132 relief of tension. In a joint interview Mr. and Mrs. B. were helped to understand the
doc#35 candidate for President of the City Council and Mr. Beame, who lives in Brooklyn, to replace
doc#27 election might be called instead. </p><p> Mr. Bourcier said that he had consulted several
doc#27 meeting would be called for the vote, while Mr. Bourcier said that a special election might
doc#59 we have opened 7,000 churches", the Rev. Mr. Brandt said, adding that the denomination
doc#59 up the denomination's program, the Rev. Mr. Brandt suggested the vision of 8,000 new
doc#144 and turned around. </p><p> "I don't know, Mr. Brenner", he said haltingly, beginning
doc#144 uneasily. </p><p> "What is it you want me to do, Mr. Brenner"? </p><p> Brenner shrugged carelessly
doc#35 party. </p><p> Last night the Mayor visited Mr. Buckley at the Bronx leader's home for
doc#35 of the situation. Apparently he believes Mr. Buckley holds the key to the Democratic
doc#35 without a struggle. </p><p> In talks with Mr. Buckley last week in Washington, the Mayor
doc#35 the Bronx, from this year's ticket. But Mr. Buckley seems to have assumed he would
doc#109 The sequence is determined by chance, and Mr. Cunningham makes use of any one of several
doc#109 costumes of points of color on white for Mr. Cunningham's Summerspace, so that dancers
doc#109 be eliminated from it altogether. </p><p> Mr. Cunningham tries not to cheat the chance
doc#35 leader. He is publicly on record as believing Mr. De Sapio should be replaced for the good
doc#37 science, languages and mathematics. </p><p> Mr. Delaney and Mr. O'Neill are not willing
doc#35 Beame, who lives in Brooklyn, to replace Mr. Gerosa as the candidate for Controller.
doc#35 assumed he would be given the right to pick Mr. Gerosa's successor. SCREVANE AND BEAME