This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#96 In opening, D. Arthur Connelly, assistant United States attorney, read the indictment, but
doc#102 reappraisal by the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and
doc#95 Dreadnought, and, by implication, of the entire United States navy's still-building nuclear sub
doc#21 inconclusive". But he hastened to add that, if United States policies were not always clear,
doc#40 countries as India. India is the most populous United Nations member with more than 400,000,000
doc#55 Hatfield also is scheduled to hold a public United Nations Day reception in the state capitol
doc#130 prospects for external capital assistance, the United States can provide strong incentives to
doc#101 motivation, however much other nations (e.g., the United States) may have incidentally benefited
doc#81 past twelve months. He won the Masters, the United States Open and a record $80,738 in prize
doc#53 said. </p><p> Economically, Martin said, the United States could best help foreign countries
doc#95 had been imposed after Fuchs blabbed. The United States offered to supply a complete set
doc#130 passing through this stage can be escaped. The United States can help by communicating a genuine
doc#22 actions on the ground in Laos. </p><p> The United States, State Department officials explain
doc#53 work with the people themselves. </p><p> The United States must plan to absorb the exported
doc#22 Geneva conference to achieve this. </p><p> The United States hopes that any future Lao Cabinet
doc#102 shortly after they are launched against the United States. BMEWS intelligence is simultaneously
doc#40 distribution of professional posts at the United Nations. This was disclosed today by a
doc#35 . </p><p> The Mayor spoke yesterday at the United Irish Counties Feis on the Hunter College
doc#95 Dreadnought was built on designs supplied by the United States in 1959 and was launched last year
doc#22 energy displayed after it was clear the United States would not back the pro-Western government