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doc#146 tumbled half- a -dozen feet
doc#145 My souls' a -gracious"
doc#49 -and- a -half-
doc#105 -and- a -half,
doc#57 $25- a -plate dinner
doc#145 ticklebrush ye're a -raising"
doc#129 of symbol ( a ,b)
doc#119 sectional area of a . If <formul>
doc#117 figure 1, a . The variation
doc#15 a report of a "blue ribbon
doc#101 aptly been called a "constitutional revolution
doc#109 self in being a "finial"
doc#102 telephone and give a "go"
doc#102 -- the moment a "go order
doc#110 preserve it as a "government of
doc#22 them for performing a "great service
doc#30 Jersey more than a "lip service
doc#113 is supported by a "moral"
doc#121 difficult to assign a "pure"
doc#113 , usually with a "shack-