This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#104 Nonetheless, they take time out -- much time -- from the game of grab and these new Western
doc#127 determined. However, the dynamics of airflow, from morphologic considerations alone, may conceivably
doc#110 Americans, in their conflicts with one another, from turning from the ballot to the bullet.
doc#35 Lawrence E. Gerosa, who lives in the Bronx, from this year's ticket. But Mr. Buckley seems
doc#9 who pay their own annual licensing fee, from the $12 annual occupation license on brokers
doc#114 pressure provided by these same immigrants, from whom the old families wished to segregate
doc#19 asked a 20 million dollar a year increase, from 30 to 50 millions, in matching grants for
doc#129 <formul>, which is impossible. Moreover, from the definitive transformation of intercepts
doc#138 I kept circling the block hoping to see, from the street behind it, the rear of the hall
doc#148 artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal
doc#134 rump. The two horses broke from the yard, from the circle of light cast by the lamp still
doc#104 long arcaded box laid across the river; from downstream, where the water level is much
doc#110 confusion in this period gained such strength ( from compromise and other factors) that it led
doc#125 by the method of Peterson and Sober (7) from powdered cellulose, 100-230 mesh. The small
doc#84 assaulted him in his store and stole $150 from the cash register after choking and beating
doc#114 naturalized New Englander), writing in 1889 from "Paradise Road, Northampton" (lovely symbolic
doc#32 division fire warden after graduation in 1921 from the University of Michigan with a degree
doc#58 candidates. The election will be Dec. 4 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polls will be in the water
doc#108 Southern school" have received accolades from even those critics least prone to eulogize
doc#108 hesitation, uncertainty, and lack of action from the Negro in defining his new role in the