This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 it was none of her concern. </p><p> "Pat, get out of that creek! You too, Sean! Elena
doc#111 individuals such as "trust", "cheat", and " get tough". We talk about national character
doc#104 the old splendor. </p><p> Those who actually get there find that it isn't spooky at all
doc#44 year. DISTRICTS ISSUE Legislators always get restless for a special session (whether
doc#81 but I'll also play a provisional ball and get a ruling". </p><p> He scored a 4 for the
doc#134 'll be back. There's only one way they can get out now and that's through the Gap -- if
doc#137 don't know what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business, and I
doc#139 said Dill, "but there's a trail you can get over with a horse. A company of cavalry
doc#11 Parkhouse to help Dallas and other large cities get money which Cotten felt could better be
doc#146 determined to drive him off before he could get into the fight. </p><p> Cursing himself for
doc#147 was miles from the target before he could get rid of it. Only one of the flight scored
doc#137 moving the gelding around so that she could get a better look at his face. It didn't seem
doc#139 up. He said tensely, "All right. Let's go get the boy". </p><p> Dill had come up also.
doc#146 </p><p> Pat grunted. "Where else would he get it? Count what you've got there, Cobb.
doc#133 way". </p><p> "It's all right", he said. "I get up early. You'd better sleep". </p><p> Jones
doc#103 . </p><p> "Damned right", he said. "Once I get out on the flat I do. Some chaps that know
doc#136 -- Old Knife's not the only chief he'll get to do his dirty work! Before we get through
doc#136 scalp cry. </p><p> "Oso", Montero called "I'll get Gray Eyes". </p><p> "That'll be a pleasure
doc#141 under to this small-town clown? </p><p> "I'll get around to it a little later", he mumbled
doc#145 Old Hap. "Got a lot to tend to, but I'll get back quick as I can", he assured her. </p>