This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 I can cipher it out later". </p><p> "Aah, go on", she said. "Just go the hell on". </p>
doc#95 fastest destroyers. It could, reputedly, go 70,000 miles without refueling and stay
doc#102 cannot pick up his telephone and give a " go " order. Even he does not know the one signal
doc#102 stands for "execution" -- the moment a " go order" would unleash an American nuclear
doc#102 They inhabit a secret world centered on " go codes" and "gold phones". Their conversations
doc#102 one signal for a nuclear strike -- the " go code". In an emergency he would receive
doc#102 three must compare notes and agree to " go ". </p><p> After that, it requires several
doc#102 command posts that would originate the actual go order. For these centers, too, are on the
doc#148 costumes, cover their faces with masks and go adventuring. </p><p> My Uncle and I were
doc#113 will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil. He will not curb
doc#121 dirt particles then leave the surface and go into the aqueous phase. This hypothesis
doc#133 to pay you anything. I guess you'd better go on in the morning". "We'll work for our
doc#133 understand that, but I don't savvy why you'd go off and leave your jobs in the first place
doc#104 musicians, hawkers, and clowns. Families go out to the edge of the terraces to sit
doc#146 trotted down off the street. Pat let him go , following more leisurely. At the first
doc#141 mumbled desperately. "Just as soon as I go to the bank, and" -- </p><p> "Huh-uh. Now
doc#142 and me, there's never any problem. Where I go , she goes -- and the kids with us. You're
doc#112 for me it was only irksome and I let it go . My brother and mother got no value from
doc#141 later". </p><p> "Aah, go on", she said. "Just go the hell on". </p><p> He grinned, nodded,
doc#88 Mr. Werner said, was let manual laborers go home Tuesday night for some rest. Work