This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#108 has made it his , and his
doc#134 that had been his , that he
doc#145 her hand in his , they silently
doc#114 Jefferson explained in his "Autobiography"
doc#114 Transcendental note in his "Boston Hymn
doc#101 principle according everyone his "day in
doc#114 this question in his "Disquisition on
doc#114 records it in his "English Notebooks
doc#114 he said in his "Second Inaugural
doc#97 $50 and his $214 paycheck
doc#6 who is in his 13th year as
doc#26 his back on his 1910 philosophy,
doc#50 just gotten into his 1958 model automobile
doc#62 fielding" as his 1961 goal. </p>
doc#72 one pass in his 27 innings,
doc#112 me? Is his a literature of
doc#139 was proud of his accomplishments, proud
doc#109 is depersonalized, his accouterments are animized
doc#107 system, and his acquisition of the
doc#109 practical function of his actions, the