This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 his shovel, left it against the
doc#134 , they all left me. Just
doc#114 poor folks are left . And it
doc#100 Democrats who are left -of-
doc#108 , should be left to rest in
doc#114 voices would be left ? Who is
doc#138 which had been left partially open.
doc#110 vital point but left it out of
doc#79 Dodgers to California left New York with
doc#102 at his extreme left , right next
doc#130 period has generally left people believing that
doc#143 where Fred had left off and wasted
doc#134 how he had left him there,
doc#137 little he had left after Amelia's
doc#143 men who had left cattle alone after
doc#21 , explanation has left basic positions unchanged
doc#126 after she has left her feeding place
doc#138 never to have left his neck.
doc#144 lay, he left the stall. </p>
doc#97 . As he left the bus with