This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#106 youth comparable to that of 'the angry young men ` of England"? was the topic for a round
doc#115 homeland and its boyhood associations: "Not men -folk, but the fields where I would stray
doc#134 you, Lester". He swung round to the other men -- "We can catch him easy! There are plenty
doc#100 percentage of artists, writers, publicity men , and business executives of egghead tastes
doc#96 statement to a jury of eight women and four men , Bernard H. Sokol, attorney for the detectives
doc#110 them when he paid tribute to the "brave men , living and dead, who fought here". He
doc#102 , switches and buttons. At least a dozen men , some armed, are never far away from him
doc#101 over other claimants for the loyalties of men , the nation-state maintained an adequate
doc#134 body in my rose garden two nights ago. My men , they all left me. Just cleared out. I
doc#134 land. A man could make a mark there. Two men , together like us, we could do somethin
doc#136 the grass was covered with dead and dying men , war shields, lances, blankets and wounded
doc#139 professionals, men who knew how to use a gun against men , who would match the killers on the other
doc#108 modern farmer must perform the work of six men : a machine stands between the agrarian
doc#102 prevailed in my conversations with these men : The more highly placed they are -- that
doc#102 of Staff, the SAC commander and other key men . All can be connected with the gold circuit
doc#134 , too strong to be broken by the will of men . Gavin sighed bitterly. In that inert landscape
doc#136 horses' heads. Gradually they emerged as men . Gray Eyes was in the lead. His face was
doc#139 a rat, you know. He sold out to Kruger's men . He's informed them of everything you've
doc#138 to be echoing the heavy footfalls of many men . I stopped by the counter. No one was behind
doc#142 liking for hell-raising. They were all good men . </p><p> It was dark early, because of the