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doc#79 outfielder and winner of the American League's most -valuable-player award, will meet with Roy
doc#138 glimpse of three of four vague figures, at the most . Drifting here and there. Squatting, as
doc#112 America, but it is the consciousness that most "mature" societies arrive at when their
doc#126 July or August, when the bees are in their most active period. The name "alkali bee" indicates
doc#95 out ships and other submarines with its most advance gear and destroy them with torpedoes
doc#19 from the aged care plan the President's most ambitious and costly proposals were for
doc#131 motivating effects. Religion provides the most attractive rewards, either in this world
doc#11 that less populous places would benefit most by the pending bill, did not sway Cotten
doc#121 usually sorbed onto the soiled surface. In most cases, these soils are taken up as liquids
doc#122 light intensity seemed to be indicated in most cases </p><p> It was possible to make estimates
doc#122 exchanged per hour to 0.7 exchanged per hour. In most cases the chlorine concentration was about
doc#107 consequential than their differences. Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive
doc#131 Some of the oldest, most persistent, and most cohesive forms of social groupings have
doc#107 transplanted to Philadelphia, wrote the most dazzling success story in our history.
doc#108 character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments a Southern writer
doc#21 called, will prove one of the alliance's most difficult problems in the months to come
doc#127 remarkably vascular pleura (fig. 9). The most distal airways are similar to those found
doc#111 as a means to survive and enjoy it. The most effective political inventions seem to
doc#132 efforts at bringing about change can be most effectively timed. </p><p> In steering the
doc#77 parade of eight Cincinnati pitchers, the most ever used by one team in a series game.