This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#104 peasant. Nonetheless, they take time out -- much time -- from the game of grab and these
doc#109 dances that "moved all over the stage", much as Pollock's paintings move violently over
doc#131 values; for example, marriage as a sacrament, much law-breaking as sinful, occasionally the
doc#95 Skipjack was a second generation atomic sub, much advanced on the Nautilus and the other
doc#110 And so I would only touch upon it now ( much as I have long wanted to write a book about
doc#116 proprietorship would be too great for a much needed project impossible to achieve by
doc#124 The behavior of a biological aerosol, on a much smaller scale, is illustrated by a specific
doc#143 a cowhand even while he was receiving a much larger salary from parties unknown. He
doc#126 chapter, bumblebees are bigger, hairier, and much more colorful than honeybees, exhibiting
doc#117 ). The constant-temperature contours are much smoother than those observed at 4.3 mm
doc#126 rich, velvety, rusty red. The males are much duller. </p><p> After having mated, an Andrena
doc#110 differed from the earlier one almost as much as the Federal Constitution did. The Confederate
doc#69 </p><p> "We always like to keep the ball as much as we can against Denver because they have
doc#21 United States leadership has not been as much in evidence as hoped for. One diplomat
doc#19 boosting the social security payroll tax by as much as $37 a year for each of the workers now
doc#104 paradoxical, for Persians chase the golden calf as much as any people. Many of them, moreover,
doc#108 this new coat of paint. The Negro faces as much , if not more, difficulty in fitting himself
doc#115 brief outline of his life and let him as much as possible speak for himself. </p><p> Heidenstam
doc#121 that the micelle volume may be increased as much as approximately two-fold. Although the
doc#100 though of Kentucky origin, is at least as much favored by liberals in the North as by