This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 If I hadn't got Nate stopped when I did, my duds'd all be shot plumb to hell! </p><p>
doc#134 there's nothin left of me. Laurel is gone, my men are gone, Ed is dead -- and you come
doc#138 impressed by what he had seen there; indeed, my scholastic qualifications were such that
doc#135 and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, my dear", he said. "You are very brave". </p>
doc#105 Seventh. Bruckner's Eighth he refers to as " my travel symphony". He recalled that in California
doc#107 His first inaugural address speaks of " my country whose voice I can never hear but
doc#134 his chest and hugged him fiercely. "All my life", he said, "I tried. I tried. I saw
doc#136 attempt to hurdle the bales. </p><p> Although my shot killed his horse, he rolled off the
doc#138 penetrate very far back into the hall, and my eyes were hindered rather than aided by
doc#105 Etruscan tomb. "Both children are musical and my wife is a music lover of unfailing instinct
doc#116 solve long-range problems for myself and my fellow-employees. Any abilities I may have
doc#105 Bruno Walter is virtually in retirement and my dear friend Dimitri Mitropoulos is no longer
doc#35 But as I have said before, if I announce my candidacy, I will have something definite
doc#105 exposed to it enough to hazard comments. "As my wife puts it", he said, again with a twinkle
doc#148 with a woman and introduce me to her as my new Aunt. They were married over the week
doc#141 aware that you've got a pedigree as long as my leg, and that I don't amount to anything
doc#136 dark, fluid, fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in. Coming over the wall he
doc#138 This desire, I went on, growing voluble as my conviction was aroused, had mounted at
doc#62 dropped to 180 -- "too light for me to be at my best" he said. </p><p> "I feel good physically
doc#134 There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place. If we let them go, they won't stay