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doc#137 <p> "She is n't , mister"
doc#145 But she could n't , not yet
doc#67 . It did n't ; Monday,
doc#100 those who have n't . My definition
doc#134 . You ca n't " -- </p><p> "
doc#142 ; I wo n't " -- </p><p> Red
doc#146 Old Crip was n't ", retorted
doc#145 know you ai n't "! Dan
doc#136 man who does n't ". </p><p> I
doc#141 ? He was n't a big man
doc#7 "There was n't a bit of
doc#144 . I ai n't a gunslinger"
doc#114 , It Does n't Affect Us!
doc#19 because they ca n't afford the schooling
doc#138 . He could n't afford to have
doc#133 but I ca n't afford to pay
doc#112 theory? Is n't all art ambiguous
doc#137 <p> The land was n't all Wilson had
doc#133 him that would n't allow it. </p>
doc#141 that I do n't amount to anything