This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 were sitting on their heels, rider-fashion, over by the still empty calf wagon. Brannon
doc#108 buried beneath a four-lane super highway, over which travel each day suburbanite businessmen
doc#27 Martinelli and John P. Bourcier, town solicitor, over the exact manner in which the vote is handled
doc#124 of epidemic typhus (Rickettsia prowazwki) over City A and that a large number of cases
doc#124 possible to put a cloud of biological agent over that city. </p><p> Biological agents are,
doc#124 be to create an areosol or cloud of agent over the target area. This concept has stimulated
doc#144 two-by-four, either; one with blood all over it, Arbuckle's blood". Curt's fingers put
doc#137 trouble. There were tracks of cattle all over his six hundred and forty acres. </p><p>
doc#29 reports from workers on a local level all over the state indicate that Jones will be chosen
doc#109 impelled to make dances that "moved all over the stage", much as Pollock's paintings
doc#142 You too, Sean! Elena, you'll get mud all over your dress"! </p><p> Even as she called to
doc#143 raided less often, and cabins and soddies all over the range were standing deserted. But there
doc#140 thoughts on her husband. If, when this was all over , she found the words to tell him about
doc#133 </p><p> "You mean you dragged your wife all over hell's half-acre looking for work"? Morgan
doc#19 medical bills of 14.2 million Americans over 65 who are covered by social security or
doc#120 broadening. The lines are asymmetric and over the range of field <formul> gauss and temperature
doc#116 or augment man's control over himself and over other men. Naturally this includes all
doc#130 commitments of foreign capital assistance over periods of several years. Capital imports
doc#138 pardon, he must express his astonishment over seeing a person of my background applying
doc#141 -tough lot. How could he exert authority over them -- make them toe the line, as he had