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doc#9 who pay their own annual licensing fee
doc#19 will choose his own doctor and hospital
doc#26 he does not own ". Mr.
doc#35 to name his own running mates without
doc#51 government on its own . </p><p> Vincent G.
doc#53 countries build their own societies their own
doc#53 own societies their own ways, following
doc#53 , following their own paths. </p><p> "
doc#68 intercepted on his own 44 and returned
doc#71 have ordered their own tests, which
doc#100 leisure. Their own easier, slower
doc#104 lyrics of their own . That,
doc#105 he composed his own studies. When
doc#106 instability in their own country. </p><p> The
doc#107 nations of our own day, they
doc#107 , wrote their own copy, and
doc#107 to one's own state, was
doc#109 methods to their own work. Others
doc#109 must select his own materials. But
doc#110 thus declared his own right to secede