This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#95 implication, of the entire United States navy's still -building nuclear sub fleet, were stolen
doc#126 Psithyrus are fed by the Bombus workers. Worse still , in a number of cases it has been claimed
doc#140 greedy gloom of the trees. She stood quite still , trying to focus upon a direction in which
doc#136 wing. He jerked once in the grass and lay still . </p><p> "If you're goin' to kill 'em --
doc#103 figures, lean and tall and angular, went still . Their heads were in the air sniffing.
doc#136 remained erect. The feathered lance was still above his head. As he started to slump
doc#141 she lost control of herself, and thus lost still another battle in the maddening struggle
doc#109 ; nearby, another sits motionless, while still another is twirling an umbrella. A man
doc#138 scraps and shreds of authority he felt might still be clinging to his person. With distaste
doc#108 obsolete as Caldwell's Lester. While there may still be many Faulknerian Lucas Beauchamps scattered
doc#19 does not cover doctor bills. They would still be paid by the patient. </p><p> Apart from
doc#137 Amelia's death. Not all of it. There would still be plenty of moments of regret and sadness
doc#145 <p> "What about Burnsides"? Hez asked, who still believed they'd have them to lick. </p><p>
doc#72 o'clock Tuesday night ... Ed Donnelly is still bothered by a side injury and will miss
doc#134 from the circle of light cast by the lamp still burning in the house, into the darkness
doc#126 and hundreds of burrows together, we must still call it a solitary bee. Its life history
doc#110 America". Dictionaries, as we have seen, still cite this government, along with the Articles
doc#135 only a minute or two and the vicinity was still clear of guerrillas. </p><p> He looked at
doc#140 veins had congealed, where cold demon wisps still clung and caressed. </p><p> Every movement
doc#109 lines, colors, masses, and energies. He is still concerned, however, with a personal event