This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#100 business circles, usually conservative, this sort of atmosphere would hardly be found
doc#108 come to be reflected in this new context, this new coat of paint. The Negro faces as much
doc#61 sixth straight spring exhibition decision, this one to the Kansas City Athletics by a score
doc#144 If someone were to drop a match in here, this place would go up like a haystack". He
doc#81 standpoint of the army of duffers, however, this was easily the most heartening exhibition
doc#127 found in the horse is not clear. However, this artery is known to be a nutrient vessel
doc#114 North was picking on them. It's infuriating, this feeling that one is being picked on, continually
doc#113 Grail these knights of the orgasm pursue, this is the irresistible cosmic urge to which
doc#129 plane of the pencil. Since C is rational, this correspondence has k coincidences, each
doc#100 my wife's experience and other sources, this seems to be rarely encountered in educated
doc#146 .... While no larger than Dutch Springs, this mining supply town had the appearance of
doc#146 were forced to maintain a sharper watch, this activity enabled them to ride in and rack
doc#0 urged that the city "take steps to remedy" this problem. </p><p> Implementation of Georgia
doc#112 what he calls "the mess", or sometimes " this buzzing confusion". I reconstruct his sentences
doc#102 </p><p> The first systematic thinking about this Pandora's box within Pandora's boxes was
doc#121 place of the soil will tend to accelerate this process and effectively push off the greasy
doc#130 balanced national development. To achieve this goal of balanced development, communications
doc#22 attending the Geneva conference to achieve this . </p><p> The United States hopes that any
doc#118 following possibilities exist for achieving this : 1. The use of high voltages and low currents
doc#140 mental and physical energy toward achieving this one goal. If, as she walked, her steps