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doc#34 Committee who are retiring -- voluntarily -- this year were honored yesterday by their colleagues
doc#108 employer (or, in Old South terms, "massuh"), this stereotype is doomed to become in reality
doc#127 bronchial arteries in human beings. In 1951, this was reaffirmed by Cudkowicz. The opposition
doc#115 more war. But he plunges into yet another, this time with Norway, and is killed in an assault
doc#132 coping with the stressful situation. Clearly, this was a family in crisis. </p><p> Mrs. B. compared
doc#100 business circles, usually conservative, this sort of atmosphere would hardly be found
doc#108 come to be reflected in this new context, this new coat of paint. The Negro faces as much
doc#61 sixth straight spring exhibition decision, this one to the Kansas City Athletics by a score
doc#102 it from "the red box". In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door,
doc#144 If someone were to drop a match in here, this place would go up like a haystack". He
doc#81 standpoint of the army of duffers, however, this was easily the most heartening exhibition
doc#127 found in the horse is not clear. However, this artery is known to be a nutrient vessel
doc#82 against teams in the other division. However, this would require a lengthening of the season
doc#114 North was picking on them. It's infuriating, this feeling that one is being picked on, continually
doc#109 as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing
doc#128 states seems to be reflected in, or based on, this marked difference. XV. CONCLUDING REMARKS
doc#103 they did not care. The games were over, this was life. Occasionally, for no reason that
doc#121 are not well understood at the present, this section attempts to present briefly an
doc#113 Grail these knights of the orgasm pursue, this is the irresistible cosmic urge to which
doc#129 plane of the pencil. Since C is rational, this correspondence has k coincidences, each