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doc#61 in his scoreless three -inning appearance
doc#93 -story and three -story structures
doc#78 <p> Skorich received a three -year contract
doc#78 then had a three -year professional
doc#96 court. </p><p> The three -- Miles J.
doc#102 , forty- three , a farmer
doc#147 formation wide around three A-26
doc#59 one out of three Americans has vital
doc#72 thanks to only three bases on balls
doc#89 car, with three boys, at
doc#111 cosmos took place three centuries ago.
doc#96 federal indictment of three Chicago narcotics detail
doc#52 the father of three children. Helping
doc#77 took advantage of three Cincinnati errors. </p>
doc#61 balls. </p><p> Then three consecutive pinch-
doc#95 end of a three day hearing.
doc#21 given during these three days, despite
doc#143 left, within three days. </p><p> All
doc#41 are to last three days. </p><p> The
doc#41 was reached after three days. TO