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doc#76 slender southpaw belonging with the all- time great lefthanders in the game's history
doc#123 vehicles with smaller sensitive-area exposure- time products contribute some information. </p>
doc#24 fails to consider appointment of a full- time CD director, Mr. Hawksley said, then he
doc#24 would come to the city in having a full- time director, he said, is that East Providence
doc#24 defense setup and begin by appointing a full- time director, Raymond H. Hawksley, the present
doc#24 is not interested in being named a full- time director. </p><p> Noting that President Kennedy
doc#143 </p><p> Lewis was a man who had made a full- time job of cow stealing. He hadn't even pretended
doc#24 government would pay half the salary of a full- time local director. </p><p> He expressed the
doc#24 residents who would be willing to take the full- time CD job. One of these men is former Fire
doc#86 Williams, Jr., a board member and long- time critic of the superintendent, argued for
doc#24 state's general treasurer, has been a part- time CD director in the city for the last nine
doc#148 there. When my Uncle offered me a part- time job which would take care of my normal
doc#138 him, I learned that his job was only part- time , in the afternoons when nothing went on
doc#105 be endured. As he talked about himself, time and again stuffing and dragging on his
doc#141 better to pursue his examination. After a time , he straightened again, brushing the red
doc#142 Clayton will see to that". </p><p> "But after a time away from you ...". </p><p> "A year, Luis
doc#143 was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were often unnecessary
doc#102 device". They are supplied, a batch at a time , by a secret source and are continually
doc#103 ground, the boys picked them up, one at a time , and pinched them dead. The tiny bodies
doc#121 gave renewed life to soap products at a time when surfactants were a threat though expensive