This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#61 draought as they coasted along with a 3- to -0 advantage. SIEBERN HITS HOMER Over the
doc#37 expected in an attempt to advance the aid- to -education bill. </p><p> The housing bill
doc#124 render this weapon unsuitable for hand- to -hand encounter. A man can be an effective
doc#101 feudalism led, not more than two centuries ago, to the surge of nationalism. (Since the time
doc#141 was the best way to handle him; that is, to show no curiosity whatsoever. Otherwise
doc#114 the North possessed no superior virtue, to "show the world that" (as James's Christopher
doc#110 gave "the last full measure of devotion" to prevent disunion, preserved individual
doc#114 one finds it again in Thomas Nelson Page) to the effect that the Mayflower on its second
doc#124 an initial cloud in the size range of 1 to 5 microns. In this test, 130 gallons of
doc#47 $67,000 to the Women's S.P.C.A.; $15,000 to pay six policemen assigned as dog catchers
doc#47 policemen assigned as dog catchers and $15,000 to investigate dog bites. BACKS HIGHER FEES
doc#59 methods is going to determine her ability to meet the challenge of this hour". </p><p>
doc#116 else. We must believe we have the ability to affect our own destinies: otherwise why
doc#132 intelligent use of nursing care, accompaniment to the well-baby clinic for medical advice
doc#102 questions would be quickly answered according to a preprepared agenda. Officers who participate
doc#142 They followed him into the rain and across to the squat stone building fifty feet to
doc#105 Steinberg was forced to restrict his activities to the Jewish community. Through the Frankfurt
doc#133 Morgan said finally, "but I can't afford to pay you anything. I guess you'd better
doc#122 subsequently admitted and the exchange was allowed to take place. The radiochlorine was stored
doc#128 reflexly induced stimuli, but leads also to an autonomic reversal: a stimulus acting