This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#61 draought as they coasted along with a 3- to -0 advantage. SIEBERN HITS HOMER Over the
doc#37 expected in an attempt to advance the aid- to -education bill. </p><p> The housing bill
doc#124 render this weapon unsuitable for hand- to -hand encounter. A man can be an effective
doc#137 <p> The girl laughed. "I know him. I ought to . My father ran him off here six years ago
doc#6 State Board of Education should be directed to "give priority" to teacher pay raises.
doc#114 the North possessed no superior virtue, to "show the world that" (as James's Christopher
doc#19 -year scholarships, based on need, of up to $2,000 a year per student. </p><p> In addition
doc#19 would entail federal grants of 750 million to 1 billion dollars over the next 10 years
doc#19 Full payment of nursing home bills for up to 180 days following discharge from a hospital
doc#124 an initial cloud in the size range of 1 to 5 microns. In this test, 130 gallons of
doc#126 or April, when the temperature is close to 50° F and there is not too much wind. Now
doc#117 over the range of wave lengths from 4.3 mm to 75 cm, and the results are summarized in
doc#131 supreme eternal ends. This something leads to a conception of an over-all Social Plan
doc#76 continue to abide by the rule but NBC will play to a conclusion here. There are two more Sunday
doc#96 narcotic laws. </p><p> In his opening statement to a jury of eight women and four men, Bernard
doc#76 most hearts. </p><p> It was a real stimulant to a lot of guys I know who have moved past
doc#118 established. The anode ablation could be reduced to a negligible amount. The dependence of
doc#95 said, would have been of the highest value to a potential enemy. COURT CLEARED Just how
doc#102 questions would be quickly answered according to a preprepared agenda. Officers who participate
doc#112 will not allow themselves to be reduced to a single philosophy or a single aesthetic