This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#119 rates of shear a tension is present at 45° to the direction of shear, and as the rate
doc#122 at least three times from a trap at -78° to a liquid air trap with only a small middle
doc#61 draought as they coasted along with a 3- to -0 advantage. SIEBERN HITS HOMER Over the
doc#61 needed to face him before there existed a 3- to -3 deadlock. </p><p> A two-run homer by Norm
doc#66 inning donated four unearned runs and a 5- to -2 victory to the Chicago White Sox today
doc#62 15,000 and was a spectator at tonight's 5- to -3 loss to Kansas City -- the winless Birds
doc#37 expected in an attempt to advance the aid- to -education bill. </p><p> The housing bill
doc#132 marked improvement in the family's day- to -day mental health and social functioning
doc#123 period (LaGow and Alexander, 1960). The day- to -day rate varied by less than a factor of
doc#143 with that damned bushwhackin' coward face- to -face"! he exploded. "That's all I ask"!
doc#102 -one feet high. Movable panels of floor- to -ceiling maps and charts are crammed with
doc#102 crew are required to copy down Wisman's go- to -war message. Each must match Wisman's "
doc#124 render this weapon unsuitable for hand- to -hand encounter. A man can be an effective
doc#120 a right circular cylinder with a height- to -diameter ratio of 4:1. The top of the sample
doc#145 shadowing Dan's upper lip. "But honest- to -Betsy, I've seed more hair than that on
doc#123 Alpha and 1959 Eta. The figures in the next- to -last column are derived with the assumption
doc#120 commensurate with reasonably good signal- to -noise quality, was used. Background spectra
doc#100 authoritarian central government with womb- to -tomb controls over everybody? If he attaches
doc#102 modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the accidental-war danger and to reduce
doc#141 failing to do as he was told instantly -- to take out a permit or return the gun to