This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 There was no chance. They moved slowly, toward the main gate, following the wall. There
doc#100 business ties impose courtesy, if not sympathy, toward resident and visiting Northerners. Also
doc#17 address text still had "quite a way to go" toward completion. DECISIONS ARE MADE Asked to
doc#133 fence and were crossing the meadow, angling toward the house. Now he saw that both the man
doc#119 the maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of shear. According to Philippoff
doc#116 OUTMODED Perhaps the public's present attitude toward business stems from the fact that the "
doc#100 however, with the Northern liberal's attitude toward the South. It appears to be one of intense
doc#113 aspirations of this group than their attitude toward sex. For the beatnik, like the hipster,
doc#144 tell it to somebody else". He shoved Black toward the stall, and pointed his pistol at Jess
doc#138 tapdance routine any moment. But he came toward me sedately enough, showed me around the
doc#102 -- arms and pointed forefingers darting toward each other in arclike semicircular motions
doc#125 variety of techniques have been directed toward the isolation and study of blood group
doc#140 directed all of her mental and physical energy toward achieving this one goal. If, as she walked
doc#118 energy flux radiated from the environment toward the anode holder negligible within the
doc#132 effectively timed. </p><p> In steering the family toward ego-adaptive and away from maladaptive
doc#116 PROPRIETORSHIP These proposals would go far toward creating the economic atmosphere favoring
doc#112 </p><p> "Not this", he said, and gestured toward the Madeleine. The classical lines of the
doc#103 off the road. At once he started to glance toward the instrument panel. It took me a moment
doc#135 turned and raced across the parade ground toward the rock house. </p><p> Powder flame gushed
doc#22 The Kennedy administration moves haltingly toward a Geneva conference on Laos just as serious