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doc#101 facets of the new concept. Thirty years ago, while the nation was wallowing in economic depression
doc#104 like a visual echo of piers and arches, while the vaults fronting upstream and down frame
doc#146 their heads together at the end of the bar, while the sleek-headed bartender absently polished
doc#37 opposition to the Administration's housing bill, while more jockeying is expected in an attempt
doc#125 dried, stained for 1 hr, washed and dried, while the other strips were maintained in a horizontal
doc#148 that slow pace that comes over the elderly, while she herself had all the signs of one who
doc#45 </p><p> Then he could tell them to go home, while the administration continued to wage the
doc#68 Monday, ran for 30 minutes, then went in, while the reserves scrimmaged for 45 minutes.
doc#108 of make-believe. </p><p> In the meantime, while the South has been undergoing this phenomenal
doc#117 to originate at the surface of the moon, while the radio emission originates at some depth
doc#109 excitedly; nearby, another sits motionless, while still another is twirling an umbrella.
doc#101 who personifies the power of the nation, while sovereignty is the power to make law --
doc#114 The slaves never shared in their profits, while they did share, in a very real sense, in
doc#104 boys sing the ghazals of Hafiz and Saadi, while at the very bottom, in the vaults, the
doc#108 unreal than -- yesterday. William Styron, while facing the changing economy with a certain
doc#108 into Southern fiction. It is clear that, while most writers enjoy picturing the Negro
doc#132 concentrated over a short period of time, while in others, after the initial contact is
doc#108 obey local laws which he considers unjust, while in other cases he has appealed to federal
doc#74 the loss, his second against no victories, while Ray Moore won his second game against a
doc#27 town meeting would be called for the vote, while Mr. Bourcier said that a special election