This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 come afterward: cruelty, meanness, self- will . He had known women like that, one woman
doc#80 of the Professional Golfers Association, will receive the Ben Hogan Trophy for his comeback
doc#79 American League's most-valuable-player award, will meet with Roy Hamey, the general manager
doc#117 planet really radiates as a black body, will the apparent black-body temperature correspond
doc#21 conventional forces strengthening is called, will prove one of the alliance's most difficult
doc#79 chairman of Mayor Wagner's Baseball Committee, will be joined on the dais by Warren Spahn,
doc#130 between rulers and subjects, town and country, will widen; new aspirants for power will emerge
doc#129 of these points, <formul> and <formul>, will be transformed into the entire bilinear
doc#6 Barber tossed into the House hopper Friday, will be formally read Monday. It says that "
doc#79 beat the Yankees in the final series game, will receive the Babe Ruth Award as the outstanding
doc#38 religious group, he declared in an interview, will receive Peace Corps funds unless it forswears
doc#65 Francisco 49ers of the National Football League, will undergo a knee operation tomorrow at Franklin
doc#116 as well as our politics and social life, will not stand close scrutiny. Its pretense
doc#107 depicted it in his State of the Union message, will determine "whether a nation organized and
doc#111 an external threat which, if it occurs, will not be primarily of our own doing. And
doc#146 fangs", he snapped. "Go through his pockets, will you? If we have to we'll take him apart
doc#72 Lefty Wyman Carey, another Denver rookie, will be on the mound against veteran John Tsitouris
doc#83 union members kept on their jobs, therefore, will not take a cut in their wages. </p><p> The
doc#29 Case's candidacy of last year. That, too, will fail". </p><p> Sandman announced the appointment
doc#143 and Powell (if he killed Lewis and Powell) will never be known. It is possible, although