This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#15 study of the ADC program in Cook county by a New York City welfare consulting firm, listed
doc#29 proper uses of surplus funds of the Port of New York Authority, and making New Jersey attractive
doc#29 the Port of New York Authority, and making New Jersey attractive to new industry. DECRIES
doc#29 the Kennedy Administration for aid to meet New Jersey school and transportation crises
doc#29 proven he cannot answer any questions about New Jersey's problems. </p><p> "We have witnessed
doc#30 election reforms necessary to make democracy in New Jersey more than a "lip service word". </p>
doc#33 needs of the years ahead". </p><p> He urged New Jersey to "become a full partner in the
doc#33 . </p><p> "We must keep the bloodstream of New Jersey clean", the former Superior Court
doc#34 original GOP national committeewoman from New Jersey in the early 1920s following adoption
doc#35 political intentions, published in yesterday's New York Times. The Mayor said: </p><p> "It did
doc#42 advertising department. </p><p> He is a native of New Orleans and attended Allen Elementary school
doc#42 general merchandising and wholesale firm in New Orleans. </p><p> He is married to the former
doc#43 Gen. Andrew Jackson, hero of the Battle of New Orleans. </p><p> Moving past the presidential
doc#49 </p><p> One of the agreements calls for the New Eastwick Corp. to purchase a 1311 acre
doc#49 Greece and a consulting planner for the New Eastwick Corp. </p><p> The plan calls for
doc#59 reads: </p><p> "The scriptures, both Old and New Testament, are verbally inspired of God
doc#59 Illinois, where we have 200; 800 in Southern New England, we have 60; we need 100 in Rhode
doc#61 expense of the American League champion New York Yankees, who come in here tomorrow
doc#62 night of a two-game weekend series with the New York Yankees. </p><p> Skinny Brown and Hoyt
doc#62 ' Auburn (N.Y.) farm club of the Class-D New York-Pennsylvania League, are the probable