This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#5 action of Friday in voting itself a $10 per day increase in expense allowances. </p><p> Pelham
doc#9 Parkhouse of Dallas authorizing establishment of day schools for the deaf in Dallas and the
doc#9 Education Agency to establish county-wide day schools for the deaf in counties of 300,000
doc#9 between 6 and 13 years of age to attend the day schools, permitting older ones to attend
doc#9 Deaf here. </p><p> Operating budget for the day schools in the five counties of Dallas,
doc#9 there would be 182 scholastics to attend the day school in Dallas County, saving them from
doc#19 except that the patient would pay $10 a day of the cost for the first nine days. 2.
doc#25 to do business on Sunday. </p><p> The only day they "have a chance to compete with large
doc#26 pull at the right lever for him on election day . </p><p> He said he was "confessing that
doc#36 in Massachusetts public life. Day after day some new episode is reported. </p><p> The
doc#43 Assuming the weather is halfway decent that day , hundreds of thousands of persons will
doc#46 IN CASE The suit was filed later in the day in Common Pleas Court 7 against the Hughes
doc#48 during that time. He was caught driving the day after the sentence was pronounced and given
doc#68 ankle injury ... The Texas Aggies got a day off Monday -- a special gift from Coach
doc#76 all-out guy, who played rightfield that day and popped one over the clubhouse. </p><p>
doc#95 police court here at the end of a three day hearing. A full trial was ordered for: </p>
doc#101 historically a principle according everyone his " day in court" before an impartial tribunal,
doc#102 of the command post twenty-four hours a day . It is a quiet but impressive room -- 140
doc#103 water. They'll move around that rock all day , following the shade. During the hottest
doc#103 the shade. During the hottest part of the day , of course, the sun comes straight down