This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#9 Rep. Berry, an ex-gambler from San Antonio, got elected on his advocacy of betting on the
doc#142 it was none of her concern. </p><p> "Pat, get out of that creek! You too, Sean! Elena
doc#142 had a look inside. "Not there", he said, getting back onto his horse. "Maybe he's at the
doc#64 Games, final indoor meet of the season, got a thrill a few minutes earlier when a slender
doc#148 startled air. </p><p> "What are you trying to do? Get thrown out? If I even hint at it do you
doc#141 What did you mean by that rattlesnake gag? Getting the boss rattlesnake to help you"? </p><p>
doc#142 won't come to harm. Come on -- the key. Get it out"! </p><p> "Damned if I will. Brannon
doc#135 There goes our grub an' ammunition"! </p><p> " Get a bucket line going"! Calhoun shouted.
doc#142 right. It's here in my pocket". </p><p> " Get it out", Brannon ordered. Then, as Macklin
doc#133 front of the house, he walked to the girl. " Get up. There's water in the house". </p><p>
doc#145 her enthusiastic reunion with Old Hap. " Got a lot to tend to, but I'll get back quick
doc#144 and pointed his pistol at Jess. </p><p> " Get out of here. You're coming along peacefully
doc#144 where it lay, he left the stall. </p><p> " Get up, Crouch. We're going someplace". </p>
doc#111 individuals such as "trust", "cheat", and " get tough". We talk about national character
doc#75 double-crosser and said anything he (Liston) got was through a keyhole. He said he had never
doc#104 the old splendor. </p><p> Those who actually get there find that it isn't spooky at all
doc#143 For men who had left cattle alone after getting their first notices had received no second
doc#68 with an ankle injury ... The Texas Aggies got a day off Monday -- a special gift from
doc#44 year. DISTRICTS ISSUE Legislators always get restless for a special session (whether
doc#137 gelding. She finally regained her balance and got up in the saddle. Her hat had come off