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doc#9 <p> While details are still to be worked
doc#17 the address text still had "quite
doc#19 . They would still be paid by
doc#30 the state which still use them.
doc#38 their projects and still preserve the constitutional
doc#45 out with segregation still the most troublesome
doc#67 . </p><p> Time stands still every time Moritz
doc#72 Ed Donnelly is still bothered by a
doc#77 American League champs still mounted a 15
doc#95 States navy's still -building nuclear
doc#95 the calls were still heard 11 days
doc#101 furthered -- and still tends to further
doc#101 law and sovereignty still dominates much of
doc#101 ) aspects -- still remain the core
doc#102 see what must still happen before a
doc#103 angular, went still . Their heads
doc#103 sharply. Idje still stared over our
doc#104 water or onto still more terraces barely
doc#105 him for " still trying to sell
doc#107 their writings is still years off,