This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 scene outside. There a dozen giant
doc#125 at all. There appeared to be
doc#115 of losers. There are, however
doc#124 lapse conditions. There are, of
doc#38 and goals. </p><p> There are a number
doc#126 mining bees. There are about 200
doc#83 to unions. There are about 3,325
doc#108 New York ... There are almost no
doc#130 many cases. There are also more
doc#111 and fear. There are certainly large
doc#121 surface roughness. There are considerable differences
doc#111 psychological theory. There are many domains
doc#44 's office. </p><p> There are many who
doc#119 is <formul>. </p><p> There are no data
doc#100 social problems. </p><p> There are of course
doc#124 in air. There are optimal humidity
doc#134 him easy! There are plenty of
doc#131 his fellows. There are several closely
doc#123 interplanetary space. There are several possible
doc#123 less certain. </p><p> There are several sources