This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#2 the voters in each county must sign
doc#9 the requirement that each return be notarized
doc#19 a year for each of the workers
doc#19 per cent on each worker and employer
doc#19 3.25 per cent each . Similar payroll
doc#19 90 days for each illness, except
doc#19 federal contributions to each medical and dental
doc#19 the schools for each $1,500 in
doc#23 since 1948, each year showing an
doc#33 has increased 125,000 each year since 1950
doc#40 one post for each 10,000,000 people in
doc#40 additional post for each additional 30,000,000 people
doc#41 has slowed with each passing week. </p>
doc#46 $500 for each joint. The
doc#63 to improve with each start and appeared
doc#67 extra points during each practice session. </p>
doc#82 owners would like each club in the
doc#83 carried out in each area depending on
doc#95 Saturday evening of each month, and
doc#99 Evanston traffic school each Tuesday night for