This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#117 uniform. The result of the observations is ( in ° K) <formul> where the phase angle, <phgr>
doc#45 why $28 million was needed for a grant- in -aid program. </p><p> The effectiveness of
doc#45 does not need the $28 million for a grant- in -aid program, a not unlikely conclusion,
doc#110 remains the only Head of State and Commander- in -Chief who, while fighting a fearful war
doc#98 women for the murder in 1935 of her son- in -law, Ervin Lang, then 28, appealed for
doc#143 were plain. When Fred Powell's brother- in -law, Charlie Keane, moved into the dead
doc#98 admitted the slaying and said that the son- in -law became her lover after the death of
doc#139 Dealing faro? How come"? </p><p> "Your sister- in -law has the faro bank in Cap Ayres' saloon
doc#145 much of a hand for Dare-Base and Farmer- in -the-Dell, but I'd sure like to get in on
doc#53 necessary to build a wall to keep the people in , and added, "so long as people rebel, we
doc#131 behavior. The codes are mechanism for training in , and directing and enforcing, uniform social
doc#116 formal education applicable to, or experience in , manufacturing or selling our type of articles
doc#128 these emotional states seems to be reflected in , or based on, this marked difference. XV.
doc#144 unfastened. He opened the door and went in , pulling it shut behind him. </p><p> Again
doc#68 film Monday, ran for 30 minutes, then went in , while the reserves scrimmaged for 45 minutes
doc#147 on his flight when Todman's voice broke in : "Sweeneys! Three bogies. Twelve o'clock
doc#134 sped was the land he had created and lived in : his valley. With every leaping stride
doc#139 They looked up in surprise as Powers came in . </p><p> "What are you doing out of the block
doc#113 implacable enemy of the life they believe in . Apart from the categorical imperative
doc#136 fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in . Coming over the wall he had seemed like