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doc#11 Dallas and other large cities get money
doc#19 plan requests for large federal grants to
doc#25 to compete with large supermarkets is on
doc#25 governor that " large supermarkets, factory
doc#33 plan for saving large tracts of open
doc#62 Joe Dimaggio and large crowds are anticipated
doc#100 the latter a large percentage soon acquire
doc#100 little doubt that large numbers of Southerners
doc#101 which by and large was made up
doc#101 that hold a large group of people
doc#102 modified -- and large new sums allocated
doc#103 camped beside a large column-shaped
doc#107 <p> To support his large family Hamilton went
doc#109 divided into several large segments, a
doc#111 There are certainly large areas of understanding
doc#111 streets of a large city. If
doc#117 , the very large radio reflectors and
doc#117 even the very large reflectors now under
doc#117 by observing with large reflectors or with
doc#118 burning arcs are large compared with those