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doc#21 to the NATO line . </p><p> On the
doc#25 across the state line in Massachusetts than
doc#67 yards through the line and then uncorked
doc#69 <p> "Our interior line and out linebackers
doc#72 across with a line drive to left
doc#72 down the rightfield line and Cooke singled
doc#74 Billy Gardner's line double, which
doc#78 Skorich, the line coach for the
doc#79 Maris is in line for a big
doc#100 so that a line running down the
doc#104 attention. The line of an eyebrow
doc#104 traversed by another line of vaults,
doc#104 Below, people line the steps,
doc#104 with the melodic line like the painted
doc#104 painted or woven line often flowing into
doc#107 ' front- line battles in London
doc#109 continuity, any line of action related
doc#114 attack takes the line that there's
doc#114 South. The line is a pretty
doc#115 In this final line , we have