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doc#130 external capital assistance, the United States can provide strong incentives to prepare for
doc#130 projection. American and free-world policies can marginally affect the pace of transition
doc#131 experience of being helpfully allied with what he can not fully understand; he is a coordinate
doc#131 the highest realm of the spirit. Religion can summate, epitomize, relate, and conserve
doc#131 factor. Without a system of values there can be no society. Where such a value system
doc#131 credo. As he points out, a religious group can not exist without a collective credo, and
doc#132 and when efforts at bringing about change can be most effectively timed. </p><p> In steering
doc#132 interpretation is too threatening, the worker can withdraw) is another prominent feature
doc#133 coming to my front door", he said. "Think you can walk to the table"? </p><p> "Of course". </p>
doc#134 . He swung round to the other men -- "We can catch him easy! There are plenty of fresh
doc#134 they'll be back. There's only one way they can get out now and that's through the Gap
doc#134 's through the Gap -- if we ride hard we can take them". </p><p> Lester's hand fluttered
doc#135 . Try to find these Feds. The rest of us can fort up in the house and hang on until
doc#137 after dark, Judith", he said quietly. "I can take care of this. It's no job for you"
doc#137 care. I don't know what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business, and
doc#139 badly", said Dill, "but there's a trail you can get over with a horse. A company of cavalry
doc#140 kitten under her arm -- "so that Auntie Grace can teach it about the whistle" -- and climbed
doc#141 louder"? said Joyce. </p><p> "Uh-huh. So I can hear you while I'm checkin' the car. Looks
doc#141 huh? Print it in real big letters, an' I can cipher it out later". </p><p> "Aah, go on
doc#143 You reckon there's two men in this state can shoot like that"? </p><p> Publicly, he denied