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doc#138 hall. Though only a relatively short
doc#122 light passed through only liquid-glass
doc#69 Cotton Davidson throwing only 17 passes. </p>
doc#35 the Democratic ticket only emphasize the weakness
doc#72 , thanks to only three bases on
doc#103 , coming together only for corroborees at
doc#77 game, trailing only 6-3
doc#113 they will trust only their physical sensations
doc#110 the Federal Union only in two important
doc#72 six and walked only Charley Hinton in
doc#136 on their warriors only for defense and
doc#142 . He was only vaguely aware of
doc#107 when he was only 19, quickly
doc#138 circumstances I was only too willing to
doc#147 . It was only a fifteen-
doc#112 me it was only irksome and I
doc#138 his job was only part-time
doc#137 the man was only a shadow against
doc#138 The river was only a few blocks
doc#108 the South was only 15% urban