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doc#109 where the movement is to be performed. The other variables include the dancer who is to
doc#123 rates for the periods of exposure. Many other vehicles with smaller sensitive-area exposure
doc#110 when he felt that necessity left him no other way to save the Union. In his Message of
doc#124 more difficult to deliver such devices than other weapons. The same delivery vehicles --
doc#107 congenial minds, and their agreements with each other were more consequential than their differences
doc#17 -- President Kennedy today pushed aside other White House business to devote all his
doc#126 will assemble: honeybees, bumblebees, and other wild bees, and also various kinds of flies
doc#126 willow catkins in the spring; there are other wild bees that command our attention. </p>
doc#129 then the regulus must be quadratic, or in other words, g must be either a <formul> or a
doc#119 is independent of pressure or volume. In other words, if an ideal gas is compressed and
doc#101 it has spread throughout the planet. In other words, nationalism worked well enough when
doc#127 which are capable of acting as valves. In other words, the anastomoses between the bronchial
doc#129 curves can have no free intersections. In other words, these curves have only fixed intersections
doc#115 echo of a saga. </p><p> Heidenstam wrote four other works of fiction about earlier figures
doc#108 of source material which may well serve other writers if not himself: the problems with