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doc#131 major religious bodies officially sanction a universalistic ethic which is reflective
doc#131 in terms of ultimate ends; for example, a plan that fulfills the will of God, which
doc#131 This explains some group ends and provides a justification of their primacy. It gives
doc#131 conversely, every community is in one aspect a religious unit. This is brought out in
doc#131 At the same time that religion exercises a conserving influence, it also energizes
doc#132 are evident in the prompt establishment of a helping relationship, quick appraisal of
doc#132 brief treatment should be arrived at as a treatment of choice rather than as a treatment
doc#133 weeks, his sparse beard giving his face a pathetic, woebegone expression. </p><p> There
doc#133 'll see", Morgan said. "Right now you need a meal and a bath. Your wife's in terrible
doc#133 but it's what I eat". </p><p> "Not much of a meal"? the girl cried. "Mr. Morgan, it's
doc#133 nodded and, going into the bedroom, brought a needle, thread, and scissors. He said:
doc#134 lifted him gently into the saddle, like a child. "I hate to leave my garden", Gavin
doc#134 like she was dirt. And you stand by like a fool and let him do it ..." </p><p> He remembered
doc#135 from her. And using him, Mike McLish, as a sop to her pride. </p><p> He handed the bayonet
doc#135 earth from beneath his foot when he was a stride or two from safety. Another struck
doc#136 would be using our rifles on them! God, what a world you people live in". </p><p> Oso gave
doc#136 eyes, I saw Gray Eyes rushing at me with a knife. </p><p> It was a relief when they
doc#136 Eyes was in the lead. His face was split by a vermilion streak, his eyes were pools of
doc#136 the others. I saw the clergyman kneel for a moment by the twitching body of the man
doc#136 eyes were dark, fluid, fearful, and he gave a sigh as my knife went in. Coming over the