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doc#141 stomach ... </p><p> But he couldn't keep up with them . No more could he defend himself against
doc#141 No more could he defend himself against them . He seemed to be fighting not one man but
doc#141 flailing at nothing but the air. </p><p> He hated them too much to understand -- the people of
doc#142 crew offsaddled their mounts and turned them into the remuda. They got tin cups of coffee
doc#142 deliberately avoided the one subject that had them all curious: the failure of the boss's
doc#142 the twins and little Elena, trying to keep them from falling into the creek by which they
doc#142 into rain. Those who had slickers donned them . The others put on old coats or ducking
doc#142 saddle cantles. </p><p> There were seven of them , enough for a show of strength -- to run
doc#142 across the porch that he became aware of them , and then it was too late. They closed
doc#142 office. The other five Slash-B men followed them inside, crowding the small room. His face
doc#142 let go of his arms. He looked at each of them in turn, Brannon last of all. </p><p> "I'll
doc#142 the edge of the veranda, peered down at them with his hand on his gun. </p><p> "Don't
doc#143 single exception, nothing had happened to them . </p><p> The exception was an Iron Mountain
doc#143 he had accused his neighbors of writing them . He had cursed at them and threatened them
doc#143 neighbors of writing them. He had cursed at them and threatened them. He was a man, those
doc#143 them. He had cursed at them and threatened them . He was a man, those neighbors testified
doc#143 he didn't care who knew it -- even after them notes came, even after he'd heard about
doc#143 asked him once, "how come you bushwhacked them rustlers? They wouldn't o' stood no chance
doc#144 Jess wasted a few seconds trying to yank them loose. It gave Curt time to stagger to
doc#144 belly, putting everything he had behind them . They made Jess double over. When his head