This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 walled gorge. "We'll double teams zigzagging up the mountain, Harmony", he spoke reassuringly
doc#101 side by side, together they helped shore up the nation-state. While sovereignty has
doc#108 affecting Southern life, it also points up the non-representation of urbanism in Southern
doc#61 Keegan, a 6-foot-3-inch 158-pounder, gave up the Orioles' last two safeties over the
doc#147 element back. If any of us miss, they can pick up the pieces. Now let's make sure they're
doc#136 Little Billy began shouting orders to round up the ponies and fill the water buckets and
doc#135 globe with a blow against a post. He picked up the powder canister and ran out. Bursting
doc#137 wondering what was coming next. She had picked up the quirt and was twirling it around her
doc#138 rearranging my forms on the shelf. He would pick up the ringing phone with studied negligence
doc#139 Barton touched Carl Dill's arm and moved off, up the river bank. He wanted a careful, uninterrupted
doc#104 hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more
doc#147 his throttle to the fire wall and rammed up the RPM, and the engine responded as if
doc#116 result. No amount of ballyhoo will cover up the sordid facts. If we want respect from
doc#134 their horses into town and flung themselves up the steps of the saloon, crying their intelligence
doc#146 the rocky ribs of the canyonside. Russ ran up the steps quickly to the plank porch. The
doc#142 Brannon told him, dismounting and starting up the steps with his men following. "Don't
doc#117 rocklike materials which are likely to make up the surface of the moon would be partially
doc#145 chair braces in place while his boys swung up the tailgate and tied it tight at the ends
doc#147 under this stuff. Stay in close and we'll go up the valley". </p><p> "Roger, Sweeney", Todman
doc#136 be back"! Montero was shouting. </p><p> Far up the valley I could see the Rees circling