This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 around so that she could get a better look at his face. It didn't seem to tell her anything
doc#137 twirling it around her wrist and smiling at him. </p><p> "Carwood didn't tell you that
doc#137 this time. But the scar seemed to pull hard at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were
doc#137 listen to something like that. I'll be down at the creek finishing the dishes, if you
doc#137 other sounds to interrupt it. Not tonight, at any rate. He had a feeling that the girl
doc#138 writing in the hope of getting a good look at them but I never quite succeeded. A glimpse
doc#138 hardly a day passed when I did not go to look at it from a distance. I lived in a state
doc#140 atonement were possible, could only be made at that sacred, sacrificial basin. It was
doc#141 the car side for a moment, looking down at her expectantly. </p><p> "Well? Wasn't you
doc#141 . Lips pursed mournfully, he stared down at its crazily sagging left side. Then he
doc#141 scarcely sat a horse in years? He slid in at her side, tucked a cigar into his mouth
doc#141 , and that his leaden arms were flailing at nothing but the air. </p><p> He hated them
doc#142 after the Maguires joined it, which had been at midday. He'd come alone, without his wife
doc#142 getting back onto his horse. "Maybe he's at the hotel". </p><p> They rode to the Rockfork
doc#143 and passed, and the men who had scoffed at the warnings laughed with satisfaction.
doc#143 neighbors of writing them. He had cursed at them and threatened them. He was a man,
doc#143 hands, and he threw some answering fire back at the mysterious far-off shot, then spent
doc#143 hints among friends. </p><p> "Dead center at three hundred yards, that coroner said"
doc#143 heard about Lewis, even after he'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself"! </p><p> On the
doc#143 September 10, 1895, Powell and Ross rose at dawn and began their day's work. Haying