This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#131 supernatural importance to some values; for example, marriage as a sacrament, much
doc#131 interpretable in terms of ultimate ends; for example, a plan that fulfills the will
doc#131 worship forms, constitute a powerful bond for the members of the particular faith. The
doc#131 rewards, either in this world or the next, for those who not merely abide by its norms
doc#132 well as her subsequent anger at her father for remarrying. Her previous traumatic experiences
doc#132 Woodward, for example, has emphasized the "need for a broad spectrum of services, including
doc#132 child welfare services, holds rich promise for the future. For example, child welfare
doc#132 with cases in which the parental request for substitute care is precipitated by a crisis
doc#133 he had married her, he'd have been asking for trouble. </p><p> But all of this was rationalization
doc#133 good one. He didn't think it was possible for this couple to be pretending. The boy licked
doc#133 We ran out of money and we haven't eaten for two days". </p><p> "What are you doing here
doc#133 your wife all over hell's half-acre looking for work"? Morgan demanded. "The town of Buckhorn
doc#133 on. She said, "I guess the Lord looks out for fools, drunkards, and innocents". </p><p>
doc#135 ladies. All of you be ready to ride hell for leather". </p><p> He added, "If this does
doc#136 through he'll have the Blackfeet hankerin' for our hair and our goods. Well, talkin' ai
doc#136 was no doubt he was dying. Again we waited for Montero. This time he delayed so long that
doc#136 hideous devil. Now under me I could see him for what he really was, a boy dressed up in
doc#137 reaches of the firelight. She studied it for a long time. Then she turned back to Wilson
doc#137 in some places the ground was too steep for a cow to get to it. The water was there
doc#138 obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from