This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 Curt with a roundhouse right which sent him spinning. An inch lower and it would have
doc#144 An inch lower and it would have knocked him out. As it was, his vision blurred and
doc#144 began to focus, he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork. </p><p> Curt twisted to
doc#144 over. When his head came down, Curt grabbed him by the hair and catapulted him head first
doc#144 Curt grabbed him by the hair and catapulted him head first into the wall. </p><p> The building
doc#144 one step away from the wall. Curt caught him flush on the nose with a blow which started
doc#144 </p><p> "Tell me about Arbuckle! You killed him , didn't you"? </p><p> "It was Brenner's idea
doc#144 grabbed Black by the shoulder, and pulled him into the barn. </p><p> "You're staying right
doc#144 the door. Curt followed, reaching behind him to shut the door and hook it. Black would
doc#144 trouble getting out, but it might delay him a few minutes. </p><p> "Where're you takin'
doc#145 the retreating back directly in front of him . </p><p> "I ain't going to fight you no more
doc#145 grabbed Sally out of the circle surrounding him , and then kissed her soundly before setting
doc#145 ", Rod protested. </p><p> "I ain't ragging him "! Gran peered again at the week-old blond
doc#145 explained. "Jackson recruited his critters, and him and me fixed up his wagon while we was
doc#146 was down to zero. Suddenly it seemed to him insane that they might hope to locate Gyp
doc#146 nimbly aside. With a bellow Carmer lunged at him . But he was more than half-drunk, and his
doc#146 struggle up, heaving desperately. Russ gave him a brutal thrust that tumbled him over flat
doc#146 Russ gave him a brutal thrust that tumbled him over flat on his stomach. Kneeling, Cobb
doc#146 sturdy knee in the small of his back, holding him pinned. </p><p> "Okay, Stevens. I've drawn
doc#146 and trotted down off the street. Pat let him go, following more leisurely. At the first