This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#135 the coach were beyond saving and so were the buildings. </p><p> The glow of the fire reached
doc#136 swung him onto his horse. </p><p> I squeezed the trigger. At the last second I dropped my
doc#136 back"! Montero was shouting. </p><p> Far up the valley I could see the Rees circling and
doc#136 waving blankets. Reverend Jason got one, the Canadians the others. I saw the clergyman
doc#137 losing patience again. An hour before, with the children asleep and nothing but the strange
doc#137 feet, and he stood facing her. He wiped the blood from his cheek. </p><p> "I ought to
doc#137 worse before they got better. 2 They had the house cleaned up by noon, and Wilson sent
doc#137 sent the boy out to the meadow to bring in the horses. He stood on the porch and watched
doc#137 excited. </p><p> Wilson backed the team into the traces, and wished they weren't going to
doc#137 It was the only thing about her that was the least bit hard to remember. </p><p> He finished
doc#138 for him and he often slipped. When one of the men in the hall behind us spat on the floor
doc#138 no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners
doc#138 whatever might be lying, or squatting, on the floor below. Also the clerk appeared to
doc#138 windows, now blinded, had once looked out upon the street. I kept circling the block hoping
doc#138 looked out upon the street. I kept circling the block hoping to see, from the street behind
doc#138 , from the street behind it, the rear of the hall. But it was not a tall structure and
doc#138 strata underneath the ceiling. I had felt the draft they were making while mounting the
doc#138 heavy footfalls of many men. I stopped by the counter. No one was behind it, but in the
doc#139 intention Rankin stepped forward and swung the guard's own gun against the uncovered head
doc#139 to attack the largest mining combination the country had ever seen if all they wanted