This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 replied. "Come spring, you'll be kicking up your heels and feeling coltish again too
doc#145 rippling muscles as Rod and Dan swung her up into the load. "A body would swear I floated
doc#145 load. "A body would swear I floated right up here on a cloud"! </p><p> Rod and Dan released
doc#145 chair braces in place while his boys swung up the tailgate and tied it tight at the ends
doc#145 Captain Clemens' signal. </p><p> Hez looked up at the high face of Emigrant Rock, official
doc#145 never took time to leave their John-Henry up thar". </p><p> "Wonder what made them hurry
doc#145 folks aim to give you our turn when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit
doc#145 recruited his critters, and him and me fixed up his wagon while we was waiting for you
doc#145 wagon while we was waiting for you to catch up . He's got the tightest running gear in
doc#145 black oxen, so 's I can unhook and pull up fast if either of you get in a pinch". </p>
doc#145 walled gorge. "We'll double teams zigzagging up the mountain, Harmony", he spoke reassuringly
doc#145 around her mouth. "Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown". </p><p> Out of the corner
doc#146 with long flights of wooden steps running up to the porch. Behind its ornate facade
doc#146 the rocky ribs of the canyonside. Russ ran up the steps quickly to the plank porch. The
doc#146 a whining groan. He started to struggle up , heaving desperately. Russ gave him a brutal
doc#146 he first fell. Cobb got it. Straightening up , his eyes ablaze, he held out the battered
doc#146 it. </p><p> To his faint surprise Russ held up his hand. "Not me", he ruled decidedly.
doc#146 the first restaurant he sensibly pulled up to go in for his dinner, and as a consequence
doc#146 the range gunfire had a meaning. Hauling up , Russ listened carefully. Two minutes later
doc#146 of the Antler ranch house. He tightened up in a twinkling. So far as he knew, only